Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring is Here

I can't believe spring is here already.  I'm ready to get to planting.  I try to only plant perennials because my garden budget gets smaller and smaller every year.  With three kids in college, I guess any budget is better than none at all.  It gets pretty hot here with our house facing east making the backyard in full sun at the end of the day.   Everything is starting to bloom.  My pink lemon tree (and yes, it really is a pink lemon).

and my Meyer's lemon tree.  Love those little, bitty lemons.

My veggie seeds are coming along pretty good.  I decided I'd try my hand at starting some veggies this year.  My green bean seeds must be bad because this is the second set I've planted (the ones in the middle).  I may have to add some bell peppers and carrots.  Carrots are so simple to grow.

Taking down the greenhouse is definitely on the list of chores while the hubby is off for a few days.  It smells really good in there from all of the citrus blossoms.

This was an inexpensive, portable greenhouse that we got from Wayfair.  We will definitely be purchasing from them again because they have great customer service.  There was a hole torn in the cover and they replaced the whole thing.   It's hard to find good customer service anymore.

I've got all of the lumber cut for my next wood project.  I'm going to get jiggy with it.  Kreg Jig that is.  Ahhhh.  The smell of sawdust and citrus.  I love spring.


  1. I'm so envious of your lemon trees. I have a Meyer Lemon that had lemons the first year but not last year. We'll see what happens this year.

    I find beans hard since they are prone to rotting before they germinate.

    1. Good to know. That's exactly what the beans are doing.
